by Samuel Manzi
Many Seventh-day Adventists adhere to specific lifestyle principles that can make them stand out from those in other Christian denominations. Whether it’s going to church services on Saturday or eating the popular Adventist entrée of “haystacks.”
by Samuel Manzi
Many religions have guidelines on dress, but what about the Adventist Church? Discover how Adventists choose to dress based on biblical principles.
by Your Adventist Friend
Curious why many people become Adventists? Here are elements of Adventist beliefs, values, and mission often reflected in people’s decisions to join.
by Your Adventist Friend
At the General Conference Session, Adventist delegates from around the world gather to assess the state of the organization, pray, and discuss current issues. Here’s how it works.
by Your Adventist Friend
The end of the world is no fun to think about. But here’s how we can actually find hope and comfort in what’s to come.
by Your Adventist Friend
A medical missionary in the Adventist Church is someone who cares for the medical needs of people as a way of showing the love of Jesus. They may travel to another country, or even just serve in their hometown.