An In-Depth List of the Prophecies About Jesus
How many prophecies of Jesus are in the Old Testament?
How many prophecies of Jesus are in the Old Testament?
Mark (whose full name was John Mark) had a lot of roles in the New Testament: he was an early follower of Jesus Christ, he traveled the Mediterranean as a Christian missionary, and he wrote a book of the Bible.
Who was Luke in the Bible? What was he known for and what contributions did he make for the early church? Find out here.
The apostle Paul went from Pharisee to Christian after a miraculous encounter with Jesus. He spent the rest of his life spreading the Gospel and writing words we still read today.
“Simon the Zealot” was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. But despite this important role, the New Testament doesn’t provide specific details about his life, family, job, etc.
Judas Iscariot is best known for betraying Jesus with 30 pieces of silver. This page looks more closely at who he was and what led him to do so.